Work pressure sapping you of all energy? Stress making you irritable and less easy to get along with? Find even simple chores at home difficult to complete? While we cannot rid our lives of stress completely, a better understanding and management of stress can make a huge difference.
If you’re feeling the pressure of work and even home life is getting to you, it’s time to make a change. Here are some easy ways you can work at eliminating stress in your life!
Eat smaller meals high in complex carbohydrates, protein and fibre and low in fat. Including whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables helps in getting the right nutrition, so important with today’s stress-ridden lifestyles.
Get at least 8 hours of sound sleep every night. If you find it tough to fall asleep on time, take a warm shower before bedtime. Read a favourite book, cut out the noise and try to get to bed at the same time everyday.
Exercise keeps stress levels low. An exercise routine of moderate intensity at least four times a week can considerably alleviate stress.
De-stress several times during the day. If you feel stiff in the neck, arms and back while at work, it is time to s-t-r-e-t-c-h and maybe take a short walk around the corner. Some simple exercises can be done even at your desk and help you feel better instantly.
Try out meditation techniques to help you consciously cut out the stress factors. Simple deep breathing can be performed for a few minutes several times during the day.
The Mayo clinic recommends positive thinking as a powerful tool to manage stress. It involves altering your negative thoughts into a more positive trail, clearing misconceptions and focussing on more rational and positive thoughts.
Clutter, at work or at home, can be a quiet but significant contributor to stress. Make it a ritual to weed out papers and unnecessary items from your work place. Place a personal keep-sake on your desk discreetly, to help your mind ‘look’ away from work occasionally. The same tip works on the home-front too.
Surround yourself with joy. It could be anything from wearing your favourite colors, to renewing contact with a long-lost friend. Learn a new hobby, or resume something you gave up long ago.
With a little effort, your quality of life can improve significantly. Low stress levels mean fewer health risks, translating into a happier and more fulfilling way of life.
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