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20 August 2011

Swap-free or Islamic accounts

Swap-free accounts are also called Islamic because owners of such accounts exercise Islamic religion. According to the rules of the Mohammedan religion any business transactions, in which one of the parties must pay or get the interest from another party, are prohibited.

Islamic or swap-free accounts support deals with any currency pair and if position is transferred through the midnight a trader does not get and there is nothing withdrawn from trader's account regardless the volume of opened position. Islamic accounts were created especially for Muslims, because crediting swaps and interests is against their religion.

Accounts which are not influenced by swap allow their owners to hold positions as long as it is necessary. In this case the result of trading depends only on the currency rates change during the certain period of time.

Due to this peculiarity swap-free accounts became popular both in Islamic countries and worldwide. Many Forex brokers provide swap-free service for free.


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